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Commodity Trading Live market online Great Ventures chennai & Adyar

Great Ventures-

            Hi all whoever wants to Earn Money you need to join commodity trading.

Great ventures is a good service provider if you want to really earn money as a good income
10% per month. Surely you will get success from great ventures chennai/adyar.


           You should know what is commodity Trading, Example we have 2 Options 
1. Buy Copper, Nickel, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Gold mini, Silver so on.
2. Sell Copper, Nickel, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Gold mini, Silver so on.

Above I want you to make clear if you directly buy or sell at first time. 


          Great ventures provides you every day sms that Live market price every 1 hour once and provides selling and buying tips for everyday.

Back office:

         whenever you want to know your current balance of your investment and profit you can check using
back office.

How much should I Invest at the beginning:

       This is the most question you all are asking at the beginning, This is very important question why because For example if you want to buy or sell gold mini you need to invest minimum 25,000/- but daily you can get some decent profit using our levels daily (Intraday Trading)

Common Sens

Rules for Traders

Use stop-loss orders and always protect a trade when you use a stop-loss
order by using reasonable price limits.

Never over-trade and adhere to your risk management rules.
Never turn a profit into a loss. If you are using a stop-loss order, then raise

your stop-loss so as to lock in a profit.

Remember, "the trend is your friend," and never buy and sell if you are not sure of
 the trend according to the fundamentals and technicals.
When in doubt, get out. Only trade when you feel confident about your trading strategies.
Trade in the most active markets, and refrain from the slow, inactive markets. Also, trade
 the most liquid contract months.
Your risk should be equally distributed. Trade in 2 or 3 different commodity products
 so as to avoid tying up all your capital in any one  commodity.
Trade "at the market" whenever possible and try to avoid using orders with a fixed
buying and selling price (except a stop-loss).
Establish a "surplus account" after you have a series of successful or winning trades.
 Your goal is to retain the "surplus account" in times  of emergency or panic.
Never get into the market because you are anxious from waiting, and neve
r get out of the market just because you have lost your patience.
Never buy just because the price of the commodity is "low", or sell just because the price is "high."
Never change your position in the market without a good reason. If you execute a trade,
base it on a fundamental reason or technical rule.  And then do not get out without a
definite indication of a change in trend.
Do not guess where the top and bottom of the market is, but let the market prove its top and bottom.
Reduce your trading after your first loss; never increase or "double-up."
Perception is not reality. Only trade on "quality" advice.
Avoid the natural tendency toward increasing your trading after a long period of success
 or a period of profitable trades.
Use self-discipline as your guide when the market goes against your position.
Take your loss and wait for another opportunity.
Never average a trading loss.
Avoid getting in and out of the market wrong, and getting in right and out wrong.
 This only leads to doubling your mistakes.
Avoid taking small profits and big losses.
Strategize according to market consensus. When too many market participants
 are moving the market in any one direction, the market  becomes very vulnerable.
Determine the make-up of open interest, utilizing such tools as the CFTC "Commitment of Traders Report.".
Only trade with genuine risk capital, and be aware of the risk of losing.
Do not trade when you do not understand the market. Trade with confidence and conviction.
Find your personal trading niche, and remain focused. Be cautious to not over extend your attention span.
Do not treat all markets the same. Learn to adjust the size of your positions and the
frequency of your trades for different markets.
Look at all sides of the market. Try to understand why a buyer would buy,
and why a seller would sell. This will enable you to be more flexible, and less resistant to change.
Ignore the minor price fluctuations and place positions with the basic trend
of the market. Remember, the odds are on your side when you trade with the
 trend rather than try to pick trend reversal points.
Guessing key reversal points can be risky. Therefore, let the market tell you
when it is over by a patterned reverse in direction.
Always remain true to your trading plan, and follow the trading style that works
 best for you. This may be accomplished through the help of  a broker or done independently.
Never make a mistake without asking yourself why. Learn from your trading mistakes.
 If possible, keep a log of your trades - why you maded them, what happened and why, etc.
Do not establish your trading size based solely on margin requirements.
Always trade within your capabilities, financial and otherwise.
Put your trust in the markets, and do not be afraid when they reach historic highs or lows.
Never underestimate the makeup and volume of the market’s participants. There's a lot of money out there!
Remember, the key to any plan is how well it performs over time.
Never let greed or fear take control over your winning positions.
It is very difficult to make and keep profits by becoming addicted to either the action in
 minor fluctuations, or to opposing the majority just to be a contrarian.
Declining volume usually indicates the market is not accepting higher or lower prices, and
 could indicate a turn.
A market that is topping or bottoming out does not spend much time at the extremes,
so there will be little volume at these points.
Be flexible with your trading. This will promote your growth as a trader. Alter your plan as
 it suits your increasing knowledge of the markets.

Finally, have confidence and believe in yourself!

Learn commodity Trading, which is very good earning ever you earn in your life! Learn and do !!!!


Contact us for more information.
Commodity Trading Live Market chennai, adyar
Call - 9884073652